चीप फिक्स्ड डिपार्चर मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम

चीप फिक्स्ड डिपार्चर

चीप फिक्स्ड डिपार्चर मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम, क्या होता है कैसे काम करता है, फिक्स्ड डिपार्चर, सीरीज फेयर, ग्रुप फेयर ये सब इसी के नाम है जो लोग अलग अलग तरीके से बोलते है ! आईये हम आपको बताते है विस्तार से इसके बारे men फिक्स्ड डिपार्चर कम्पटीशन के इस ज़माने में, लोग अलग अलग तरीके खोजते है अपने …

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Key points to consider while selecting a travel portal development company

A travel agency have millions of expectation with their online portal. They inquire to a travel portal development company to convert their dreams into reality. But sometimes it doesn’t happen as the way predicted as some travel portal development company takes the money and don’t deliver the solution, or delivers the solution that doesn’t have …

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Benefits of Corporate Booking Tool

After understanding what is a corporate booking tool and its nature, now let’s see Benefits of corporate booking tool development Benefits Of Corporate Booking Tools For Travel Agencies These mistakes may lead to a huge loss to travel agency. On the other hand, if the whole system is managed automatically online. All the risks mitigation is possible in automated system. Benefits …

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Corporate Booking Tool – CBT

Corporate Booking Tool

Before we understand the corporate booking tool let’s understand – How This Concept Came Into Existence A trip planned for work or business reason like meeting, conference, trade fair and incentive travel is referred as a business travel or business trip. But now who will manage travel arrangement for a conference or event of an unknown destination? Of …

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Riya Travels API Integration

Riya Travel Api

Dear Subscribers we have removed the article about Riya Travels API Integration as we got removal intimation from Mr Avinash Jadhav from Riya Travel, so currently we can not provide you the details about Riya travel, we are seeking permission from Riya Officials if we get permission we will share the details once again Meanwhile …

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Why Do You Need SEO Services For Your Travel Portal

Search engine Optimization

Every travel agent wants to bring in more business through their travel portal. Therefore, immediately after creating a travel portal, travel agencies try to collect positive reviews from their customers by offering quality services at an affordable price. There are some fine details that can amplify the traffic to your portal. To avail of these …

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6 Ways To Market A Travel Portal

Market a Travel Portal

Customers keep a business alive the way water keeps the living beings alive. A business cannot survive in the aggressive market without a client-base. The travel business is no exception.  This kind of businesses faces certain common questions such as: “how to get quality leads for travel portal?”, “what are the most efficacious strategies for …

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What are the Pros and Cons of White Label Solution?

White Label Solution

We hope that you have read our previous article on the white label travel portal, its types B2C & B2B, and the difference between them to better understand this one. Every solution has its own sets of pros and cons. Now Let’s understand for White Label Solution. Advantages Of White Label Solution Cost Effective Small business always needs to …

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What is Extranet and how it works?


The word extranet is a bit technical but not new, travel agencies are using this from decades. Let’s start to know about extranet in detail. What Is Extranet Extranet is a kind of CMS (Content Management System) where travel agencies and their  suppliers manage the content and inventories. Extranet can be developed for any travel services like Flight, Hotel, Tours, …

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