Global Distribution System – An Revolutionary And Evolutionary Development For Travel Industry

Global Distribution System

The recent years have witnessed how GDS or Global Distribution System has transformed the visage of the travel industry. It has increased the convenience of airlines more and more. Independent travel agents and OTAs use more sophisticated GDS API integration to search for the best available travel and accommodation and rates for their clients. The …

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5 Features To Lookout In B2B White Label Travel Portal


With the progress of technology and the growing number of travelers, travel agents are facing problems in managing a high number of bookings. Herein lays the importance of a B2B online travel portal. Reliable B2B white label travel portal development companies introduce advanced and most-effective features that lead a travel agency to its goals. These companies should provide a …

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Why Search Engine Optimization Is Necessary


WHAT IS SEO – Search Engine Optimization SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It’s the practice of increasing both the quality and quantity of website traffic, as well as exposure to your brand, through non-paid (also known as “organic”) search engine results. hence we can say search engine optimization is necessary. Google Guidelines Things to …

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लुक टु बुक या L2B क्या होता है

लुक टु बुक या L2B क्या होता है

लुक तू बुक या L2B क्या होता है ! यदि आप जा रहे है एपीआई खरीदने 3rd पार्टी , डायरेक्ट एयरलाइन या फिर amadeus or Galileo se तो आपको लुक टु बुक या L2B के बारे में पता होना बहुत जरुरी है ! लुक टु बुक या L2B RAITO लुक तो बुक या L2B Raito का मतलब होता है, आपकी …

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डीएमसी या डेस्टिनेशन मैनेजमेंट कंपनी…

Destination Management Companies

डीएमसी या डेस्टिनेशन मैनेजमेंट कंपनी क्या होती है डीएमसी या डेस्टिनेशन मैनेजमेंट कंपनी, जैसा की आपको इस नाम से पता चलता है, एक ऐसी ट्रेवल मैनेजमेंट कंपनी जो की एक विशेष डेस्टिनेशन में पूरा और बहुत अच्छा अनुभव रखती है ! अक्सर ट्रेवल एजेंट्स डीएमसी को सस्ते या प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक टूर पैकेजेस के लिए संपर्क करती है …

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Your Guide To Destination Management Company – DMC

Destination Management Companies

Destination management company as the name suggests, is a professional management company, specialized in a destination, it can be a city, region or a country. The company is located in the specialized destination area. A DMC promote and sell their destination services to the rest of the world. They act as a distributor of the destination’s travel related services. They provide services like meet and greet at airports, transfers, guide, accommodation, local sightseeing, activities, dining and event organizing. DMCs are also hired to manage the corporate MICE (meeting, incentive, conference, events) movements.

How To Choose A DMC?

  • Firstly when you are unaware about anything you can ask for the reference from your close travel industry’s connections. It is the most trusted way to find a good DMC.
  • DMCs promote themselves in travel trade shows. You can visit these shows and meet them. Face to face conversation with DMC personnel can streamline your DMC list.
  • You can have a deep online research about the good DMC. You can read content to find the information. You have to validate the information with the mentioned ways in this article.
  • Check for the years of company’s experience and its testimonials available on google and its own website.
  • Enquire from where the operations of the company are managed. If the staff of a company is sitting in some different area or country then DMC can never manage to give a cost effective offering or can cope up with last minute plan change due to time difference or may be any other reason.

Benefits Of Choosing A DMC

  • No one but a local travel management company can provide the cultural essence of the particular geographical region.
  • A DMC makes the trip memorable for the tourist by letting them experience the lifestyle and heritage of the destination.
  • With the help of their experience and knowledge the DMC optimises the service in trip duration and in a cost effective way.
  • Local personnel can manage the changes in itinerary at last minute and fulfil any extra demand of the tourist.

Author Note :- if You are A DMC and looking For Online DMC B2B portal Development please let us know.

What is a White Label Travel Portal?


Being a travel agent is not just it, for exploring the business there are many things that a travel agent needs to do. The technology driven world of today demands so much from a travel agent, in order to let his business noticed on internet. Being technically sound is important for an agent and other …

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फ्लाइट एपीआई कितने प्रकार के होते है !

Flight Api

Everyone has heard about flight API integration but only a few of them know that it also has types of integration. Depending on the requirements of TMC they opt for the type of integration. Some TMCs get all three types of integration in their portal and they can also compliment it with their own fares. Now lets understand …

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Look to Book Ratio – L2B

Look To Book Ratio

It is a travel industry’s jargon. Travel agents having the API integrated in their website must know what it is? Let’s understand the details about look to book ratio. Basically it compares the proportion of searches to the proportion of bookings received. Example – 1 booking on 100 searches. How many no. of bookings have been done …

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